Nature Lover Gives Back to OPB With Estate IRA Gift

Debbie Chung

Debbie Chung

Debbie Chung has many reasons she enjoys Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). "It's great programming," she says. "It's high-quality, good storytelling and educational."

A Portland native, Debbie particularly enjoys programming focused on Oregon, like "Oregon Art Beat" and "Oregon Field Guide." "My husband and I hike and camp a lot, so it's enlightening and fascinating to learn about places we haven't been to before. OPB enlarges our sphere so we can explore more." And they've explored so much.

Debbie and Graeme Jack, who is Australian, met when Debbie was working in Hong Kong. They relish their time in Oregon enjoying the great outdoors. "He's been converted to OPB," she jokes. "But truly, OPB sells itself."

To help ensure OPB's future, Debbie's included it in her estate plan. Via a gift from her IRA, Debbie established The Debbie Chung Fund, to support the creation of original content for nature and environmental programs with a focus on Oregon, across all media platforms.

"OPB is grateful to Debbie for her meaningful support," says Julie Feely, director of philanthropy. "It's wonderful to know we'll have resources to continue producing engaging programming about nature and the environment."

Debbie is delighted to make an impact and encourages other fans to give back, too. "We need to keep quality programs free and accessible," she says. "I think it's so important to support the organizations you believe in. I hope this helps OPB to continue to do good work."

Join Debbie

To learn more about supporting OPB with a gift from your estate, contact Jeri Kasal at 503.293.1941 or