OPB: An Important Thread of the Digmans’ Lives

Denny and Pat Digman

Denny and Patricia Digman

For Dennis “Denny” Digman, OPB is an integral thread of his family’s life. In fact, he and his wife, Pat, were inspired to give back to the organization because it has run parallel to every stage of their lives.

Denny started by watching Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser, which led him to getting involved with the stock market. Then when the Digmans’ children were young, they spent many hours watching Sesame Street, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and the like. All in all, Denny estimates it’s been “about 50 years of loving OPB.”

“It keeps me learning,” Denny says of the programming. “I’m proud to support them.”

Because OPB played such an integral role in their day-to-day lives, Denny and his wife decided they needed to support the organization financially to help them carry on the great work. After Pat’s passing in 2016, Denny set up a charitable trust, naming OPB as a beneficiary.

“My wife and I realized that it’s important to support OPB on a long-term basis,” he says. “If we don’t support them, how are they going to continue? It’s so important for people to do that, especially if you’ve been blessed with the means to do so, to help carry them forward.”

Denny’s personal giving is guided by a philosophy that he picked up as a sophomore in high school: “Count that day lost whose low descending sun views from thy hand no worthy action done.”

Of OPB, he says, “It’s benefited my family to a great extent in so many different ways. I want to make sure it can continue on long after I’m gone.”

To learn more about making your own planned gift, contact Jeri Kasal at 503.293.1941 or jkasal@opb.org.